When I fell from the roof of a two-story building where I was installing a new roof for my employer, I was told it was my fault. My employer knew we were storing roofing material within one foot of the edge of a flat portion of the roof, but during his pre-trial deposition, he testified that the accident was my fault for not using fall protection equipment that he claimed was available at the work site. Ira Maurer was able to prove that I was not provided personal fall protection as required by OSHA and the New York State Labor Law.
As a result of my accident, I severely injured my back and had to have my spine fused. My injury turned my life upside down. Ira Maurer never gave up on the case, even when things looked bleak, and helped me win a settlement of $975,000.00. Ira was very supportive throughout the litigation. His personal attention helped my wife and I get through a dark time in our lives. We will always be grateful to Ira Maurer.